Competitive Climbing in Nova Scotia
Mission Statement
Climb Nova Scotia is recognized as the emerging Provincial Sports Organization (PSO) for the sport of competitive climbing in Nova Scotia. The volunteer committee is responsible for the organization, promotion and advocacy of climbing as a sport in Nova Scotia.
While CNS will continue to uphold its mandate as a Provincial Recreational Organization (PRO) and as an advocate for outdoor access, a growing demand for support in the realm of competitive sport has emerged over the past couple of years. We seek to support those athletes, coaches, routesetters and the community at large in their development.
Climb Nova Scotia is an active member of Sport Nova Scotia and is recognized by our National Sport Organization (NSO), Climb Escalade Canada (CEC) as the governing body for climbing within the province.
Organize competitive opportunities in Nova Scotia
Govern the sport of competitive climbing in Nova Scotia
Provide clear provincial pathways for athletes looking to compete at a Regional and National level
Promote, support and provide developmental opportunities for athletes, coaches and route setters
Liaison and collaboration with local groups, other Provincial Sport Organizations as well as the National Sport Organization in order to serve our athletes and support the sport of climbing
Provide equitable opportunities for participation in the sport climbing throughout the province.
As a sport organization, Climb Nova Scotia strives to embody an approach that:
is athlete centered
is equitable
is transparent in communication and decision making
prioritizes safety of all its participants