Every Thursday, climbers will meet at the Walmart Parking lot on Mumford Rd. at 6:00 pm sharp! From there, climbers will carpool to the climbing area scheduled for that evening.
Climbers of all skill levels are welcome! This is a great way to discover new bouldering spots and get to know other climbers.
Make sure you wear appropriate footwear as you will likely get your feet swamped at least once. A flashlight or headlamp is always handy as often we hike out after dark. Dress in comfortable, weather appropriate clothing and bring climbing shoes, chalk and a crash pad if you have them. Be prepared to chip in for gas if you’re catching a ride with someone – it’s always appreciated.
Climbing areas may change at the last minute in order to cater to the group of climbers who attend each week or changes in the weather. Be sure you’re at the meeting spot by 6:00 in order to stay in the loop!
As we did last year we’re going to try out a sign-up sheet for volunteers to lead the group each week. The only pre-req is a (vague) knowledge of how to get to each area. The more leaders we have, the smoother the season will go! Sign up here!
